Mar 13, 2010

What Skins taught me

I recently inherited a Netflix account. I love the streaming feature. I like that it gives me recommendations for shows, and shows me what is new. That is how I came across Skins vol. 1, a fictional glimpse into the life of British teens in college. I fell in love with this show because I identified with it. Though their college was essentially my high school, and perhaps minor university; it still felt real.
Skins was identifiable to me, and extremely intriguing. Over the course of the past 3 days, I have become engrossed in the lives of Tony, Chris, Jal, Michelle, Cassie, Sid, Maxxie, Anwhar and Effy. Having visited England before, it made me miss it. Mostly I just miss Hitt crackers and Jaffa cakes, but the people are swell too. I was really sad when I finished the second series of the show, and the characters were moving on with their lives. I just had to know: Was Sid with Cassie in New York? Did Michelle and Tony stay together? Did Jal abort or keep the baby, (still confused on that one)?
The show is so much like the end of my high school, and the beginning of my college. The fact that the drugs, the alcohol, and the premarital sex were rampant remind me of my senior class. I never was as crazy as Effy, but I certainly experimented with your typical substances. I never did anything that crazy, and certainly didn't pop pills all the time like Chris. Experimentation...That all came to a stop in may of 2009, when I lost one of my best friends to a heroin overdose. It was shocking for the whole friendship circle, but I can't say we weren't enablers. He was a friend first, but then there were the times he was the dealer first...Then the friend. The boyfriend; my first love. I wasn't necessarily faithful to him. It reminded me of Tony and Michelle's relationship. I also identified with Cassie, the anorexic and neurotic girl. She was a free spirit. She reminds me of my continuous battle with my self image, and my weight.
So call it pathetic if you will that I am comparing my own life to fictional characters, but I did. I am in their shoes right now. Getting ready to graduate; figuring out my life. Wondering what if, and where do I see myself in 5 years? Sketch asked this episode in the final show. Too bad you're a psychopath. To be honest Sketch, I see myself in a good job. That's all I can see. Not sure where, but certainly in a good job. Let's hope for a PR firm! It's hard to look into a dark tunnel, and see what's at the end. I just see a bleak light.
I simply cannot get over how much I liked series one and two of Skins! I liked it so much I had to add the third season to the DVD que. I am excited to watch the next batch of kids, headed by Effy go through troubles. Although, Pandora annoys me. So I don't know how I'll be able to handle it. I loved reading that the show was actually written by a mostly young staff still in college.
Now on to the real post. I want to focus on Nicholas Hoult's transformation from grubby child costar in About a Boy, to posh sex-god. Holy cow! I couldn't help but drool over his completely British appearance, and swagger. I know I am like 6 months older than him, but I can still have a fan-girl crush. It just amazes me how he was versatile. He was so believable. I read he was cast into Tom Ford's film, A Single Man as the gay Kenny Potter. I need to see that now, because I keep reading article upon article that gives Nicholas extreme praise for the role. I read an article for the Observer that said the fame can be a bit much for poor little Nicholas. I love this quote:
I'd always had two lives before then – acting and the real world – and it all bled together. But it's interesting how quickly people forget. They look at me now, think they might know me, but then just walk on, which is brilliant.
Nicholas Hoult: The Observer (January 31, 2010)

Besides being praised for his screen acting abilities, this young man should also be praised for his stage theatrics. He was also in a play,
New Boy, which received good reviews as well. So this is just a mini biography. I mean, I don't know everything about the guy. Though no doubt, I have a complete crush on him.
Other characters on the show have also spun off and had successful careers. Though most had their careers started before hand. I also liked Cassie's Hannah Murray's transition into modeling. She is the next Twiggy, in my personal opinion. Maxxie's Mitch Hewer is considering moving to Hollywood to continue his career. Dev Patel went on to star in Slumdog Millionaire, which won 8 oscars. My favorite character, Sid (played by Mike Bailey), hasn't seemed to do much after the show. He did work at the male version of Top Shop. However, I'd shag him as well. Their rendition of Cat Steven's Wild World was simply beautiful! And here is a link.
I just wish the real world were as versatile as the starlet world. As a starlet you can do anything you want, and your career flourishes. As a real person living in the shithole we call present day world: options are limited. Good luck finding a job. Good luck holding a career. Sometimes it would be nice to be famous. I totally live in fear of dying alone with a bunch of cats. Is it stupid to hope for the lottery? Just wondering.